Our Story
Creating meaningful connection
The WBN has been in operation for 30+ years. We strive to provide programming that helps our members and guests achieve their goals and find their version of success. We facilitate meaningful approaches to networking, embrace new ways of enriching our connections and raising awareness of our members. We embrace businesswomen of all ages, cultures, industries and professions. We are mentors, sharing experiences, challenges and wisdom, collaborating within the network, and ultimately the greater business.
Member volunteers work on committee initiatives, creating opportunities and an environment that helps the growth of businesswomen’s personal and professional brand. The WBN believes in paying it forward. We developed an annual Scholarship to celebrate the accomplishments of members of the Comox Valley WBN.
Start networking & have fun!
Leverage our network of business leaders to help you grow and mentor, by participating in meet ups and events, joining a committee, and engaging other members on WBN’s social media platforms.
For more information reach out to comoxvalleywbn@gmail.com, we can’t wait to hear from you!
Meet our Board of Directors
1.1 Suggestions from CVWBN Members for amendments to the Policies are forwarded to the Board. After Board review and decision, recommended amendments are brought up by the Board to the membership for discussion and vote. A vote in favour by 2/3 of the Membership attending the Annual General Meeting carries a motion for amendment.
2.1 Members are encouraged to:
participate in monthly meetings, promote their businesses, learn from each other and share business experiences, help each other in a variety of ways, such as with problem solving, finding information and introductions.
2.2 Membership is open to any person who identifies as a woman who is interested in business and feels that they will benefit from and can contribute to and support the intent of the membership.
2.3 Individual and Dinner Club memberships represent an individual in a distinct business entity. In the event of job changes, membership fees are nonrefundable, however, the individual membership may be transferred to another person in that same business entity at the discretion of the Board. The individuals requesting the transfer must apply in writing.
2.4 Members may have more than one business and may include a second business in their single online profile. For any types of draws or contests, such as door prizes and website features, they may only submit one entry.
2.5 In order to remain in good standing, membership renewals are required from members on or before their anniversary date of joining.
2.6 Members whose fees are current will be listed in the online membership directory at www.CVWBN.org. Logging onto the website and updating profiles with contact information, photographs and other details is the responsibility of each individual member.
2.7 Members are entitled to advertise on the website and in newsletters for a fee determined by the Board.
2.8 Membership fees are non refundable
3.1 The Board of Directors will be responsible for arranging the monthly member dinner meetings.
3.2 The monthly member dinner meetings will be held at a time and location as determined by the Board.
Members will be given sufficient notice regarding any changes to upcoming meeting formats, dates and location.
3.3 Only CVWBN members have the right to bring materials for distribution to place on the display table for the membership. Materials must relate to business, professional development activities, upcoming business-related events, etc. Materials that are supportive of any causes or issues outside the realm of business are not to be brought to CVWBN meetings.
3.4 The guest speaker program is arranged by the Board. Members are encouraged to submit suggested speakers and topics/ideas to the Board.
3.5 Special events may be arranged by the Board and the activity may be open to the public, including all genders, and any other adjustments made as required. At an advertised special meeting/event, the admittance fee may be increased and will be determined by the Board for each individual event. 3.6 To avoid duplication and allow all members in good standing an equal opportunity to make ‘Spotlight Speaker’ presentations, the scheduling of Spotlight Speakers is at the discretion of the Spotlight Speaker Director
3.6 Membership and Guest dinner ticket are non refundable.
4.1 Members are encouraged to bring guests to monthly meetings.
4.2 Prospective Members may attend up to two (2) introductory meetings before joining the CVWBN.
5.1 The Comox Valley Women’s Business Network is maintained by its Members as a self-supporting non-profit organization.
5.2 The fiscal year ends on May 31st.
5.3 Signing officers are any two of the following three signatures: President, Treasurer, plus one other Board member selected at the first meeting of a newly elected Board.
5.4 Board members will be reimbursed for expenses incurred on behalf of the CVWBN, as approved by the Board.
5.5 Board members require a minimum of two quotes for purchasing items and services, excluding dinner meeting venue costs, costing more than $200 for the society.
6.1 The membership fee will be determined in accordance with the by-laws and is payable at the date of joining and will be in effect for the twelve month period from the date of joining. Renewal is due at the member’s anniversary date. Any member who does not renew on the anniversary date (within that month) would not be considered a member in good standing.
6.2 The monthly meeting fee may vary depending upon the format of the meeting. Members will be advised of the cost by newsletter before each meeting. Non-members will be charged an additional fee to be determined by the Board. A receipt will be issued by email.
6.3 In keeping with the Intent and Purposes of the CVWBN, funds will be used for the following purposes as determined by the Board:
professional development activities, such as workshops for both the Board and the membership
guest speaker fees
both printed and online marketing and promotional resource
general administration, running of monthly meetings and provision of materials for members plus such items as guest speaker gifts, stationery and name tags
special occasions or functions
to support our selected nonprofit organization or B.O.O.S.T.
to ensure the development and maintenance of a website.
Election and Term
7.1 The election of Board of Directors will be done in accordance with the by-laws of the Society. In addition to those bylaws, the following policy applies:
7.2 A Board member’s term is for one year and she may serve on the Board for five consecutive years, after which she must take one year off before they can be re-elected to the Board. The only exception would be a President in her fifth year, so they can serve as Past President in their sixth year.
7.3 The Board will appoint two additional Board Directors from the previous Board who will be non-voting Directors-at-large. They are encouraged to attend Board and Membership meetings to provide continuity and support to the Board. If no-one from the previous year’s board is willing to take on the position, two Directors-at-large may be voted in from the regular membership.
7.4 It is required that a member wishing to stand for the Board has been a member of the Women’s Business Network. In order to be nominated for the election to the board of Directors of the Comox Valley Women’s Business Network, memberships must be paid 2( two) months prior to the Annual General Meeting. The member must attend at least 3 (two) meetings in the 6 (six) months prior to the Annual General Meeting.
7.5 The Board of Directors will be responsible for maintaining communications with and supporting other Women’s Business Networks.
8.1 In addition to the Society’s bylaws, the Board meetings will adhere to the following policies:
The CVWBN Board will hold a minimum of one meeting per month.
The new Board Members will hold an orientation meeting prior to September.
A CVWBN member can request time at an upcoming Board meeting to bring forward an item. Two weeks notice prior to the upcoming Board meeting is required.
9.1 The Minerva Award is presented annually to recognize a business member with the Comox Valley Women’s Business Network who gives freely of their experience, time and energy to the organization and to its members. This member is someone who has been instrumental in the growth of the Comox Valley Women’s Business Network, who has assisted others in the membership and who has been a leader in our organization and our community. The presentation of the award is made at the May AGM meeting each year.
9.2 The deadline for the nomination submissions shall be April 22 of the current year.
10.1 The Comox Valley Women’s Business Network offers one bursary each year to the value of $500 to a member who wishes to enhance their current skills and/or assist in their professional development. The bursary must be used for a course and must be from an accredited institution, professionally recognized group or association. This bursary is offered in keeping with our organization’s philosophy about supporting group members’ growth and development.
10.2 The deadline for the nomination submissions shall be April 22 of the current year.
10.3 The selected recipient of the bursary must provide proof of enrolment in the course to the board. Upon receipt of this proof, a cheque will be issued to the bursary recipient within 30 days.
10.4 The selected recipient must make a claim for the bursary per paragraph 10.3 by May 31 of the year following the selection. For example: The recipient for 2015 must claim the bursary by May 31, 2016.