Minerva Awards
According to legend, ‘Minerva’ was the goddess of warriors, poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, and craft.
The Minerva Award is presented annually to recognize a member of the Women’s Business Network who gives freely of her experience, time and energy to the organization, its members, and our community.
This individual is someone who has been instrumental in the growth of the CVWBN, who has assisted others in the membership and is a well-respected member of the business community.
The presentation of the award is made at the Annual General Meeting, which is held on the second Wednesday in May each year.
Nominations for the 2024 recipient are now closed.
Honouring Past Recpients
Kayleigh McDonald
Kelly Phillips
Carol Elliott
Deanna Papineau
Dennyse Harris
Terri Perrin
Linda Graceffo
Donna Lafonatine
Bobbie Norton
Tara Laderoute
2014 - Maureen Glowasky
2013 - Liz Tribe
2012 - Debi Genereux
2011 - Julie Watkins
2010 - Maggie Komar
2009 - Emma Payton
2008 - Brenda Kelm
2007 - Lara Austin
2006 - Karen McKinnon
2005 - Deb Dewar
2004 - Barb Greenwood
2003 - Audrey Stewart
2002 - Linda Oprica
2001 - Linda Oprica
2000 - Cindy Steuart
1999 - Donna Stevenson
1998 - Marcia Allardice
Lifetime Membership Award
Inaugural Lifetime Member Award
Maureen Glowasky (left) of Grace Cosmetics was awarded the first “Lifetime Membership Award”. At our June 13, 2018 meeting Linda Graceffo (right) presented the award to Maureen in honour of her dedication to the WBN. Maureen has been a member since the organization was created more than 30 years ago. She is an inspiration to all of us and is well-deserving of the recognition. Congratulations Maureen!
Business Development Bursary
The WBN membership offers a bursary valued up to $500 each year. This bursary is offered to encourage and support any CVWBN member who wishes to enhance their current skills and assist in their professional development.
The course must be from an validated/accredited institution, professionally recognized group or association. The member must not have been awarded the bursary in the past two years or at the Board’s discretion.
The deadline for applications is April 30 each year.
A member of the CVWBN in good standing for a minimum of one (1) year who is willing to:
Complete the online bursary application.
Do a short presentation to the general membership about the knowledge gained as a result of the bursary.
Demonstrate in writing the benefit of receiving this bursary and the impact is has/will have on your work/business.
Volunteer to be on the selection committee for the Bursary committee the following year.
Honouring Past Recpients
Kayleigh McDonald
Deanna Papineau
Monica Parkin
Gaetane Palardy
Carol Elliott
Terri Perrin
Boost Organization
Building Opportunities for Organizations using our Strengths and Talents
The BOOST program was created in 2011, to support a local registered non-profit organization each year. As a diverse group of women, we offer our support monetarily, and also with skills and talents which may not otherwise be available to the recipient group. Our intention is to further develop their purpose and fulfill their wish lists.
We start each membership year in September, announcing our B.O.O.S.T. recipient. For the remainder of our membership year, we raise funds monthly through 50/50 draws at our meetings, and through other events hosted by members. We collect donations of items our BOOST recipient has requested at our December meeting. In the past we have donated volunteer hours on a variety of projects, from wielding hammers for Habitat for Humanity, to hosting cooking classes for the Indigenous Women's Sharing Society. nominate your favourite non-profit to be our B.O.O.S.T. recipient next year?
Honouring Past Recpients
Comox Valley Family Services Association
Indigenous Women’s Sharing Society
Comox Valley Transition Society
2019/2020 - Comox Valley Transition Society
2018/2019 - Soroptimist Internation
2017/2018 - Habitat for Humanity North Island
2016/2017 - Habitat for Humanity North Island
2015/2016 - 4Rs Education
2014/2015 - Children’s Health Foundation Vancouver Island
2013/2014 - Double Waters
2012/2013 - Today N Tomorrow Learning Society
2011/2012 - Comox Valley Transition Society
Nominate a fellow member
Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce - Business Excellence Awards
The Comox Valley Chamber has put in place a grassroots nomination process that does not allow for self-nominations. All nominations come from businesses and individuals in the community that feel the nominee needs to be recognized. The Chamber Awards are open to chamber and non-chamber members.
Comox Valley Record, Local Hero Awards
The Comox Valley Record’s Local Hero Awards were created 2016 . The annual awards offer the opportunity to celebrate the achievements of individuals within the community. The event is made possible by the selfless contributions of the entire community; from those who make the nominations, to the judging panel, and the award sponsors.